



United Kindom




S.P.A. Treatment, Server Management, Monitoring, Development, Education, Misc. Tech Related Tasks

Client gains control over their website hosting

Oz was worried about their site, content, and entire business being held hostage by a developer and hosting company that was slow to respond and engage. Due to running a high-risk business, finding a hosting solution created and managed by another third-party was a risk.

We worked hand-in-hand with Oz to ensure they gained Agency over their website and hosting platform which inspired them to branch out into other areas of their field to help others.

They now:

  • Run their own website hosting server
  • Feel empowered to manage their own site
  • Have created another site to help empower others in their area of business


Due to the nature of our client’s business, they were having trouble finding help with design issues with their site.

My website was already my pride and joy but having ownership in someone else’s name and [the previous hosting company] being so slow to reply meant every time I hit an obstacle, I was alone and weeks away from getting any assistance.

During our investigations, we discovered the client’s website was hosted by a company that rarely responded to support requests, sometimes taking up to 6 months to respond. This was counter to our client’s desire to have control over their own site, its design, and content.

The goals:

  • Get our client control over their domain, DNS, site files, and content
  • Set up a bespoke hosting solution where they saved money and had full agency over their business’s website

How Love Sudo Helped

We examined our client’s unique needs and worked with them to select solutions that gave them not only Agency, but also Security and Privacy. This included selecting server platforms, domain registrars, DNS providers, email solutions, and a complete website redesign.

We continue to help by:

  • Handling design changes
  • Managing server and code infrastructure
  • Educating on technologies and changes
  • Being quick to respond

All this is way more than I ever could have hoped for 5 years ago and looking to the future, I’m optimistic that there’s a lot more we [Oz and Love Sudo together] can achieve.

The best part to us? If Love Sudo stopped existing, their business would not be impacted! They have all the tools and education to do what needs to be done, but they trust us to handle everything so they can focus on their business’s growth and their other projects!

Discover how Love Sudo can help you gain Agency.

You have the right to control your online business's digital presence.